My personalitly

My type is ISFJ. The paragraph is saying that I’m strong in relationships, I tend to work alone, And usually loving. I kind-of agree with my results. because i’m sort-of loving and i usually like working alone rather then in groups. The jobs that were listed that i’d be good at were nursing, medicine, and teaching. These jobs i would have selected for myself.


dress debate

This affects my learning because now i’m thinking what other things can they be lying or changing the lighting in the background. The mind doesn’t change what you see unless someone changes it or someone uses lighting to change the picture. They use rays of light to change how the object looks or how the picture was originally made. The mind could also be causing illusions.


PSA 2015 depression from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.

PSA 2015 BULLY CLOWN from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.

PSA 2015 spring psaanimal abuse p5 from jennifer suzuki on Vimeo.



PSA depression :

The purpose was to stop bullying

The audience was to bullies

The message was to the things we say can get someone killed Stop bullying!

This PSA was good and proved a point.



PSA bullying clown :

The purpose was to see how funny you look when  your a bully

The audience is to bullies

The message is to ( if they only new what they looked like, STOP BULLYING)

This PSA is awesome and funny


PSA animal abuse :

The purpose was to stop animal abuse

The audience to animal abusers people things

The message they’re family not trash

This PSA was meaningful and good.